Blossfeldt 8

16″ x 20″,  2016

Available to purchase, contact Pearl for more information.


Series - Acrylic on Canvas Paintings

When I inherited a wide range of art and plant books from my paternal grandmother, I did not expect to
be seduced into starting a  two and a half year painting project. The project, consisting of 15 acrylic on
canvas paintings, in assorted sizes was influenced by a collection of photographs by Karl Blossfeldt
 (1865-1932), titled “Wunder in der Natur”. The book, published posthumously in 1942 Berlin consisted
entirely of plant and flower studies. Blossfeldt had invented a special lens used for magnifying the
detailed nuances of each specimen photographed . The German born photographer, sculptor and
professor emeritus; Karl Blossfeldt had ushered in the genre of "The New Objectivity" movement in

Some eighty years hence, artists like me are still attracted to the purity of form and design sense in
Blossfeldts' compositions. Truly inspired, I wondered how to re-interpret and transcribe these black and

white specimens with my own color palette and style. I was taken with how the magnifications unveiled
their innate, mysterious character. I was eager to envisage them into color, without investigating their
inherant, authentic colors.

(Sold paintings, may be available for future exhibits).